Cream cheese stuffed strawberries (lovingly dipped in graham crackers) – perfection.


I’m still on a cream cheese and strawberry kick this week and Dan isn’t complaining a bit. I made cream cheese stuffed strawberries (dipped in graham crackers and sprinkled with chocolate shavings) and they were all gone within five minutes. I ate two. Dan ate – and I kid you not – fifteen. In five minutes.


That has to be a record. By the time I got comfortable on the couch there were only three left. Only men get this kind of freedom without seeing it add on to their weight a mere hour later. Luckily he saved me from that by eating them!

Cream cheese stuffed strawberries.

Cream Cheese Stuffed Strawberries


One (small) package of strawberries

8 oz. cream cheese (low fat if it makes you feel better, like it did me).

3/4 cup powdered sugar.

2 oz. honey graham crackers (3 whole crackers)

Chocolate (for shavings).

Mix cream cheese and sugar until fully blended.

Cut ends of strawberries so that they can balance upright without falling.


Remove leaves.

Hollow out strawberries – try to avoid cutting straight through and creating a hole.


Fill strawberries with about 1/2 a tsp of cream cheese.


Dip strawberries in graham cracker crumbs.


Top strawberries with chocolate shavings.


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